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Data Visualization

Ghulam Mustafa
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https://www.youtube.com/embed/0Tm03uViTNA WHY LEARN DATA VISUALIZATION? No matter what business or career you’ve chosen, data visualization can help by delivering data in the most efficient way possible.  As one of the essential steps in the business intelligence process, data visualization takes the raw data, models it, and delivers the data so that conclusions can be reached.  Specifically, data visualization uses visual data to communicate information in a manner that is universal, fast, and effective.  This practice can help companies identify which areas need to be improved, which factors affect customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and what to do with specific products (where should they go and who should they be sold to).  Visualized data gives stakeholders, business owners, and decision-makers a better prediction of sales volumes and future growth.  LEARNING OUTCOMES   COURSE PREREQUISITE(S) & REQUIREMENTS

  1. No particular prerequisites, though a strong commitment to learning the required skills.
  2. Attendance in the Online Tutorial is a must. All participants will be required to keep their Zoom videos on during the Tutorials. eLearners will need to take prior approval if unable to attend any session.
  3. Submission of project assignment on time required for Peer and Instructor Assessments. Late submission will warrant negative marking. 
  4. Passing marks for Certification is 80% (subject to Grassroots evaluation).
  5. Grassroots Certification only to be provided to learners who are able to meet course requirements 2, 3 & 4.

HOW WILL YOU LEARN DATA VISUALIZATION AT GRASSROOTS? You will learn Data Visualization skills by attending your weekly online live tutorial sessions with your instructor.  By watching pre-assigned reference videos and by demonstrating your concepts understanding Data Visualization skills through the program online quizzes and individual assignments.  HOW OFTEN WILL YOU BE REQUIRED TO ADDEND YOUR ONLINE TRAINING SESSIONS FOR DATA VISUALIZATION? Your online training will be held once a week on the weekend, either on Saturdays or Sundays.   The duration of each weekly online training session will be 2  hours. The scheduled day and time for your weekly training session will be communicated to you at the time of your enrolment in the Data Visualization program. DURATION OF THE DATA VISUALIZATION ONLINE TRAINING IS?   12 Weeks / 3 Months  COURSE GRADING As an eLearner, you are expected to come prepared having watched the pre-assigned videos and actively participate in the online tutorial discussions.   – Online Quizzes (40%): They will specifically focus on drawing connections between related content in the course videos and online tutorial discussions.  – Individual Assignments (60%): Students will work on individual assignments. 

Course details
Duration 8 Weeks
Level Beginner
